Story Behind the Photo: Biltmore Echinacea
By: Dr. Robin D. Collin
This image is from the collection titled, “Colors”. This collection consists of images of scenes whose natural, vibrant colors lend to the beauty of the photo. This is one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken. It was taken at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC on a scrumptious warm summer day. The day prior I had finished presenting 2 posters with my fellow resident at the NC Peds conference in Asheville. In the days leading up to the conference, I had intentionally planned an extra few days off to recover from the persistent stress of 2nd year residency. I planned to rest through solitude and exploration of nature. I was not planning to go to the Biltmore, but my hotel was selling 2 day tickets on sale , so I purchased them. I enjoyed fascinating tours and to my delight, my Biltmore excursion coincided with the solar eclipse that occurred that year (2017) so I got to witness a dope cosmic event, learn a new piece of American history, and play in nature.
On this particular day, I remember walking through one of the gardens on the estate and encountering this vivid sea of echinaceas. I was struck by how bright the pink of the petals were and how they enhanced the colors of their surrounding. I crouched down to get this shot because I wanted the flowers to fill the image as much as they consumed my gaze. In doing so, I captured a little bumble bee indulging in one of the flowers! This trip was filled with sweet surprises. This image reminds me of the great joy and healing you can experience when you claim time to rest and connect with yourself. It is also a vivid personal reminder that when I take ownership of honoring what brings me joy, time can cease being my enemy and actually become a good friend.